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Chimney Breast Removal Warrington

Do You Need A Chimney Breast Removal In Warrington ?

If your chimney breast is taking up too much space and you are looking for a chimney breast removal in Warrington then make sure you read this article . After reading this article you will learn everything you need to know about chimney breast removals and will become a totally informed client able to make a clear and precise decision on what type of contractor you need .

To become this informed client , after reading this article , you will learn what a chimney breast removal is , the dangers of chimney breast removals and finally what type of contractor will be best for you during these structural works.

What Is A Chimney Breast Removal ?

Chimney Breast Removals Warrington A chimney breast removal is when a chimney breast that is no longer wanted is simply removed . This sounds much more simple than it is however because if the loads above the chimney breast are not supported properly it creates structural problems within the property and makes the property unsafe to live in .

This photo shows a recent chimney breast removal where we supported the chimney stack above by installing gallows brackets into the loft space.

People get chimney breast removals quite frequently in Warrington for a few reasons . Mainly the reason we receive is that the chimney breast is taking up too much space in a room and because the chimney is no longer in use it is pointless having the chimney breast taking up so much space that could be better used .

The Dangers Of Chimney Breast Removals 

Chimney breast removal , like all other structural work , can be very costly and put the property in danger if an incorrect contractor who isn’t an expert carries out the work and improperly structurally supports the property .

If the loads above the chimney breast are not supported properly or the permanent structural supports are not installed correctly then the whole property is no longer safe because there are structural dangers within the home and this can lead to not only a decreased value of the home but also a risk to the health of any residents residing in it .

What Contractor You Need

Now , with the right contractor this can all be avoided .  The contractor you need must be a structural specialist whose expertise is in all things structural so you can be fully confident that your property is entirely safe .  This contractor needs to have verified customer testimonials and be a structural expert with decades of experience.

This is where we come in . We are total structural experts with over three decades of experience and we totally focus on structural work so you can be entirely confident we will look after your home as if it were our own .

We also have over 50 , 5 star rated customer testimonials on the ABP website where you can seer that all of these verified and independent clients recommend us to anyone who is in need of structural work .  Click here to see this .

Furthermore we can prove we are total structural specialist on our website where you can see we carry out all different kinds of structural works not just chimney breast removals . Click here and this will take you to our website .

You wouldn’t ask a plaster to do a plumbers job or vice verse so why would you ask anyone else other than a structural specialist to carry out structural works . Get it right first time and call us today at 0151 321 9880 or alternatively at 0161 401 0226 .

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